Common Cover Letter Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Common Cover Letter Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Cover letters and CVs are equally important when you apply for a Web3 internship or a job. Cover letters highlight why you are the best candidate for a position. A well-crafted cover letter highlights your skills and your abilities in a positive light.

It needs to be so powerful that the hiring manager would be urged to call you for an interview after reading it. It is the candidate’s responsibility to write three strong paragraphs that highlight your skills, education, experience, and how you can be beneficial to the company.

You need to use the available space wisely and only include the information that will help you land Web 3 internship jobs. There are certain common cover letter mistakes that almost everyone makes. Here are these mistakes and how you can avoid them.

What Hiring Managers Look for In Cover Letters?

There are a few things hiring managers actively look for in cover letters. When they read a cover letter for Web3 internships or Web3 jobs, they look for the following items:

  • Contact Information
  • Professional Salutation
  • Introduction to Hiring Manager
  • Qualifications
  • A Strong Closing
  • Candidate Signature

This is all important information that hiring managers actively seek when they are going through hundreds of internships or job applications. They skim through cover letters to finalize a few resumes to sort out the best from the rest. After that, they select the few who catch their attention and focus on the rest of the cover letter.

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Not Following Job Instruction

You need to follow the instructions posted along with the job opening. There are often specific instructions the employers want you to follow and include certain information in the cover letter. However, most of the time, candidates either forget that information or just don’t read the job posting carefully. You must always read the job posting carefully and search for any set of instructions left by the employer. Only submit the cover letter after adding every information that was asked of you.

Not Using the Right Format

The hiring manager will find it easier to read your cover letter if you use the appropriate format. Being original is a nice thing, but you don’t have to be overly creative or poetic about it. Instead of writing lengthy paragraphs, try writing shorter, easier-to-read paragraphs. Try not to use too many graphics or colors. This can distract the hiring manager. Stay focused and ensure the cover letter is only a page long and has one-inch margins and spaces between each paragraph. Also, you must only use a professional font in a readable size.

Reusing Cover Letters

Nothing looks more unprofessional than a reused cover letter. Using the same cover letter for multiple jobs is not the correct way to secure Web3 internships. Even if you utilize a template, you still need to modify it to fit the position and the specifications listed in the job advertisement. Make sure to always start with an old cover letter as your model. Address the hiring manager by name, ensure that you add the position you are applying for, discuss your skills, and share how your addition to the team can add value to the company or the project.

Adding Irrelevant Work Experience

Another common mistake that Web3 internship candidates make is that they add irrelevant work experience to their cover letter. Candidates either talk about the experiences that don’t apply to the position or they overexplain why they don’t have the necessary experience for the job. Instead of that, you should focus on how your current experiences have shaped you into a professional. Discuss how your skills are transferable and knowledge gained over the years can add value to the position the company is hiring for.

Not Highlighting Your Best Skills

Web3 internships are hard to get because candidates do not know which skills they should highlight. Your priority should be to add your best skills that are relevant to the job. Applicants emphasize abilities unrelated to the position. After reading the job description, be sure to include the abilities that are most pertinent to the role. Refrain from listing any skills that are unrelated to the position you are applying for. It will not help you get the Web3 internship and leave a bad impression on the hiring manager.

Adding Salary Expectations

Unless the company expressly requests it, you should not include your present or future wage expectations in your cover letter. If you discuss compensation expectations too soon, it may appear that you are more focused on the perks of the position than on how you might help the organization. In your cover letter, briefly describe how you can benefit the firm and the position. If you are asked to provide pay expectations by the company, choose a broad range that you would feel happy with rather than a precise amount.

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These are some of the mistakes that you should avoid when you are writing a cover letter for a Web3 internship. Keep these in mind when you are writing a cover letter, avoid these mistakes, and leave a good impression on the hiring manager.